Teaching Grammar.
Second part.
In this part, our group decided work with the same unit and the develop writting skill for
to teach a grammar. In the following link we can see one of the four activities of the Unit 1.
sábado, 30 de junio de 2012
jueves, 21 de junio de 2012
Language Awareness.
Language Awareness.
Our group chose Unit 1, 2nd Medio, "Sports and spare time" according to Planes y Programas of Mineduc.
In the following links you can find our activities with different aspect and techniques in based
to "A Rough Guide to Language Awareness".
Aldo Alvarado.
Claudia Cabrera.
Rolando Contreras.
Katherine Félix.
Our group chose Unit 1, 2nd Medio, "Sports and spare time" according to Planes y Programas of Mineduc.
In the following links you can find our activities with different aspect and techniques in based
to "A Rough Guide to Language Awareness".
Aldo Alvarado.
Claudia Cabrera.
Rolando Contreras.
Katherine Félix.
miércoles, 13 de junio de 2012
The Lexical Approach.
The Lexical Approach.
This approach is a way to teach vocabulary. Lewis (1993) said:"...Language is
grammaticalised lexis, not lexicalised grammar...". In other words, lexis is central
in creating meaning.
In this approach is very important the vocabulary more than grammar, because
without words can not say anything.
Catedra II
Part II
This approach is a way to teach vocabulary. Lewis (1993) said:"...Language is
grammaticalised lexis, not lexicalised grammar...". In other words, lexis is central
in creating meaning.
In this approach is very important the vocabulary more than grammar, because
without words can not say anything.
Catedra II
Part II
miércoles, 6 de junio de 2012
-Aldo Alvarado
-Claudia Cabrera
-Katherine Félix
-German Vera.
Lesson's plan Aldo.
-Aldo Alvarado
-Claudia Cabrera
-Katherine Félix
-German Vera.
Lesson's plan Aldo.
lunes, 4 de junio de 2012
Metacognition Homework.
Ways to foster metacognition:
-Activate previous knowledge.
-Making a plan for learning something.
-Monitoring their understanding.
-Time management.
-Selecting the right strategy for learning task.
What is automaticy?
-Automaticy is the ability to do things without occuping the
mind, common activities for example: walking, speaking, running, etc.
How do we develop automaticy?
-We can develop automaticy through exercises, repetion and
When have you felt that you had a full cognitive load?
-I had a full cognitive load when I had study for many tests
and presentations in a short time and in some cases I did not
Metacognition is one of the most important approach. It covers the higher mental
processes of human being the opportunity to learn to be a critical with reference
to their own resolution of problematic situations determines the possibility of
constructing their own knowledge.
These cognitive processes allow students enhance the intelectual skills
to construct new meaning of learning.
martes, 22 de mayo de 2012
martes, 15 de mayo de 2012
Rolando Contreras
Katherine Felix
sábado, 12 de mayo de 2012
Coursebook Assessment.
Pairwork Activity.
Katherine F. - Claudia C.
Katherine F. - Claudia C.
We think that Chilean reality offers four hours for the Ennglish subject, so, the aims or objectives are too ambitious.
In the first unit, the reading activity is focusing a very passive skill, because there are ways in which the students without understanding what his reading can guess the correct answers (drawings).
We think that this book is not appropriate for an eights middle schools, because the morphosyntax content are too high (unit one contents, cover simple and complex sentences, simple present, simple past, present perfect, passive voice, connectors and pronouns.
On the other hand, we think that the focus of the book is centered in passive skills of comprehension and know skill for productions. Each unit present reading and listening comprehension.
The topics are interesting, and they enhance cultural values of our Chilean culture, example Gabriela Mistral is presented in Unit two and some national bands. All the topic are interesting, but there are too many for students. It is tiring at each of he modules. The teacher would have to filter some topics so as to motivate the student.
Maybe we would take out some pictures that would distract a boy from eight grade. They would pay too much attention to female figures instead of focusing in the contents and aims presented in the lesson.
The presentation is attractive, it has a lot of colors and uses a format where the students can write his answers straight in the book.
Maybe we would choose the most important tasks and leave some out, because we consider that there are too many activities for four hours a week.
In the pronunciation students do not practice the language enough, the same applies to grammar students can´t write a complete sentence. With the vocabulary is enough too.
viernes, 6 de abril de 2012
Presentations of different methods.
Monday 26th, 2012.
Communicative language teaching.
María de los Angeles, Barbara Valenzuela, Jana Strohbach.
Key words:
Audiolingual Method:
Communicative language teaching.
María de los Angeles, Barbara Valenzuela, Jana Strohbach.
Key words:
- Communicative competence.
- Contextualization (culture-social).
- Learner-centered and experience based.
- Meaning is paramount.
- Groupwork, pair interaction students.
- The learner has to listen and repeat.
- The teacher has the control of the content.
- Language learning is habit-formation.
- It's useful for beginers.
- Put emphasis in grammar and pronunciation.
- Speeche-action (repeat).
- Positive mood.
- Teacher plays an active and direct role.
- Student -listener -performer.
- Activities -Role plays -Slide shows.
- Authoritive.
- Performance.
- Unconcious.
- Music-therapy.
- Responsibility.
- Autonomous.
- Grammatical and lexical items are discovered by the students.
- Experienced learning.
- Roods, charts, symbols.
Audiolingual Method:
- Foreign language.
- Pattern grammar.
- Drills- mechanical exercises.
- Structure.
- Phonetic, syntax, morphology.
Practical work.
Wednesday 21th, 2012.
- Type of school: Public (UNESCO)
- Number of students per classroom: 25 students per class.
- Number of hours a week: 4 hours per week.
- Textbook: Gobernment book.
- Approach: Structural view.
- Design: Conductism.
- Teacher's motivation/roles: Model.
- Student's role: Receiver of information.
- Assessment (test): Multiple choices, true or false, complete sentences.
- Use of technology: 1 room with 25 computers for all school.
viernes, 23 de marzo de 2012
Summery of the nature of approches and methods 2
Monday 19th, March.
Is the level of methd analysis in which we consider:
-Objectives: Is a product of design not approch, however each methodmay specify
may different objectives for example, to develop oral skills, grammar,
pronunciation and develop specific abilities rather than content.
-Syllabus model: Organization of the linguistic content in a specific course.
-Types of learning.
-Role of learning: Processor, performer, initiator, problem-solver, self-monitor and tutor.
-Role of teaching: Catalyst, consultan, guide and model.
-Role of instructional materials: Specification of the subject matter content, allocation of
time, also the teacher will decide -the goal of materials, the form of materials, relation to
other sources of input and the abilities of teachers.
Is the level of methd analysis in which we consider:
-Objectives: Is a product of design not approch, however each methodmay specify
may different objectives for example, to develop oral skills, grammar,
pronunciation and develop specific abilities rather than content.

-Types of learning.
-Role of learning: Processor, performer, initiator, problem-solver, self-monitor and tutor.
-Role of teaching: Catalyst, consultan, guide and model.
-Role of instructional materials: Specification of the subject matter content, allocation of
time, also the teacher will decide -the goal of materials, the form of materials, relation to
other sources of input and the abilities of teachers.
jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012
Theory of language learning
Monday 19th, March.
Terrel (1977) "Natural approach"
Is based on a learning theory that specifies both processes and conditions
(conditions for learning L1=L2).
Curran (1972)
Counseling-learning: This theory is focuses primarily on the conditions necessary
for successful learning. A crucial factor is the atmosphere of classroom and the close relationship with the students.
Asher (1977).
Total physical response: Asher's learning theory it is based on child's learning is
based on motor activity, coordinating language with action.
Gattengo (1972, 1976).
Silent way:
Conditions- feel secure about learning. Also the teacher is a monitor about student learning.
Terrel (1977) "Natural approach"
Is based on a learning theory that specifies both processes and conditions
(conditions for learning L1=L2).
Curran (1972)
Counseling-learning: This theory is focuses primarily on the conditions necessary
for successful learning. A crucial factor is the atmosphere of classroom and the close relationship with the students.
Asher (1977).
Total physical response: Asher's learning theory it is based on child's learning is
based on motor activity, coordinating language with action.
Gattengo (1972, 1976).
Silent way:
Conditions- feel secure about learning. Also the teacher is a monitor about student learning.
martes, 20 de marzo de 2012
The nature of approaches and methds in language teaching.
Wednesday 14th, March.
APROACH: -Coherence
Theory of language:
APROACH: -Coherence
Theory of language:
Theory of learning: Meaningful learning- learner's experience.
Process-oriented theories build in a learning processes, such as: Habit formation, induction, inferencing, reception, hypothesis testing and generalization.
Condition-oriented theories emphasize: The nature of the human and physical context.
Krashen (1981): Monitors models (metacognition).
Acquisition [first language (natural)]
Learning (artificial)
INPUT: Must be comprehensible, also can be challenge, affective and filter.
Teaching English in Chile.
Monday 12th, March.
What is methodology?
Methodology is the strategies and procedures that we use to teach. Also use skills based comunication: Written, speaking, reading and listening.
Teaching English in Chile:
Type of schools: Private, public and particular subencionado.
Type of problems:
-Low motivation
-Not enough time
-Lack of techniques
-Lack of control
-Cultural context
-Lack of materials/ resources.
For to try to overcome these problems our lessons should be:
-Full of content in L2.
What is methodology?
Methodology is the strategies and procedures that we use to teach. Also use skills based comunication: Written, speaking, reading and listening.
Teaching English in Chile:
Type of schools: Private, public and particular subencionado.
Type of problems:
-Low motivation
-Not enough time
-Lack of techniques
-Lack of control
-Cultural context
-Lack of materials/ resources.
For to try to overcome these problems our lessons should be:
-Full of content in L2.
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