sábado, 30 de junio de 2012

Teaching Grammar.

Teaching Grammar.

Second part.

In this part, our group decided work with the same unit and the develop writting skill for
to teach a grammar. In the following link we can see one of the four activities of the Unit 1. 


jueves, 21 de junio de 2012

Language Awareness.

Language Awareness.

Our group chose Unit 1, 2nd Medio, "Sports and spare time" according to Planes y Programas of Mineduc.

In the following links you can find our activities with different aspect and techniques in based
to "A Rough Guide to Language Awareness".




Aldo Alvarado.
Claudia Cabrera.
Rolando Contreras.
Katherine Félix.

miércoles, 13 de junio de 2012

The Lexical Approach.

The Lexical Approach.

This approach is a way to teach vocabulary. Lewis (1993) said:"...Language is
grammaticalised lexis, not lexicalised grammar...". In other words, lexis is central
in creating meaning.

In this approach is very important the vocabulary more than grammar, because
without words can not say anything.

Catedra II
Part II


miércoles, 6 de junio de 2012

lunes, 4 de junio de 2012

Metacognition Homework.


Ways to foster metacognition:

-Activate previous knowledge.
-Making a plan for learning something.
-Monitoring their understanding.
-Time management.
-Selecting the right strategy for learning task.

What is automaticy?

-Automaticy is the ability to do things without occuping the 
mind, common activities for example: walking, speaking, running, etc.

How do we develop automaticy?

-We can develop automaticy through exercises, repetion and 

When have you felt that you had a full cognitive load?

-I had a full cognitive load when I had study for many tests 
and presentations in a short time and in some cases I did not
understand some subject very well.


Metacognition is one of the most important approach. It covers the higher mental 
processes of human being the opportunity to learn to be a critical with reference
to their own resolution of problematic situations determines the possibility of
constructing their own knowledge. 

These cognitive processes allow students enhance the intelectual skills
to construct new meaning of learning.